Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Sorry for being an update slacker over here! I fell off the 101 Things wagon I guess. Good news is, I actually have done lots of the items here on the list, and they just need checking off! Let's get started:

Lunch It: I still go out a lot more than I'd like, but there have been at least a week or two where I've dutifully brought my lunch every day. Why are leftovers and turkey sandwiches so depressing?

Blog It: I've been a good little blogger over on Overjoyed! I have something up a few times a week, which I'm quite proud of. As far as Sweet Things goes, I've been thinking I might just delete that as a separate blog and post those posts and creations over on Overjoyed. It makes sense and it will be less work that way.

Trade It: We took all our old VHS tapes to this sweet mega music/movies/books trade in place over in West Nashville. We got store credit which we promptly spent on some new DVDs. Of course.

Give It: I went through all my old clothes and gave away a bunch of stuff to friends and people at church, and the leftovers to GoodWill. Good riddance, skinny clothes from high school! I kept a couple things I love to much to part with and that I vow to someday fit in again. I also kept a pile of sentimental-value t-shirts because I'm giving myself one year's worth of time to figure out how to make them into a t-shirt quilt. If not... I'll take some pictures of them and send them off too! As hard as it is for me, it feels good to purge. Now I have room for the clothes I actually wear. I just need to put them away...

Wash It: I took my car to the carwash! Yaaaay! I even got inside and vacuumed and picked up a bag full of trash and windexed the inside of my windows, thank you very much. I am going to TRY to keep my car clean. No, really.

Try It: Ben and I went to the Franklin Farmers' Market when his family was in town. It was a beautiful day and a great experience! Plus we talked to some people and might be trying out a CSA with a local farm this year. Cool beans!

Decorate It: It's official. The James Cookie Decorating Party is an annual event. We had our third one this past Christmas, and I think I can safely say we'll be carrying this on for many years to come.

That's all to report for now! I think next I'm going to tackle biking, some more cleaning and organizing, and maybe, if I dare, a wee bit more gardening. Don't hold your breath on that last one.


SDS said...

Wow this is a great little blog.

I stumbled upon here trying to promote my own Lost website ( superduperstream.blogspot.com ) via LongLiveLocke, where you once commented.

But I am glad I found this place :) I'm going to have fun reading your blog and ticking off all the stuff I have done/read/seen.

This is awesome :)

it's a small world after all said...

loved it!
great "to dos"