Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Update for 2008

Well, I went ahead and crossed two more things off the list - salad eating and X-files watching.

Salad - I have definitely been eating at least one salad a week, sometimes more, and am slowly finding them more enjoyable. I don't want to overstate my affection for them - I'd still usually almost always rather have something else. But I have found myself actually wanting salad every once in a while, which is good progress for me!

X-Files - Not only have I watched nearly every episode on TNT and Sci-Fi Channel, but for Christmas I actually got the box set of all nine seasons. So consider me set! Now I'm going back through and watching all my top episodes from each season. Man, what a great show that was. And with the writers' strike still dragging on, there isn't much else on regular TV anymore, so this is a good filler.

And now for some of the things I'd like to see myself make progress on within the next couple months:

  • Cleaning and keeping clean our bedroom, which is currently an atrocious mess.
  • Research some online design courses and costs.
  • Get serious about doing what it takes to accomplish number one goal of weight loss... this will mean tackling lots of items in the health and wellness category!
  • Clean my office at work... I think it would help me stay focused and happy in my office.
  • Decide whether or not we are going to Italy and if so plan that trip asap.

That is all for now... stay tuned!