Tuesday, October 23, 2007

About this list...

Okay, fine, I'm a total copycat. A few friends had started these 101 in 1001 lists and I was intrigued, both as a person who loves lists and as a person who has goals.

Thus, I decided to create a list. And it took me months, literally months to do. I tried to keep everything fairly reasonable, because I sometimes have troubles with follow-through when I get too lofty with my goals ("I want to be a size 4 by Christmas!" "I'm going to paint the whole house this weekend!"). While some of the items on this list might seem too simplistic to you, trust me, they will take work on my part to accomplish.

So I present to you, dear reader, my list. My deadline from today is July 20, 2010.

I will try to chart my progress every other week or so... starting right now!

Here are the three items that I accomplished between creating and posting this list... I figure they still count!

We got the Wii! We got the Wii prior to our annual birthday party in August, and it was delightful! The fun never ceases.
Went to Cards game at new stadium! Heather and I went to St. Louis in September and we saw the Cards play - they won the game, woo hoo!
Watched all our wedding videos! Ben and I just chilled one night and watched all the videos, which we hadn't seen in the two-and-a-half years we'd been married!