Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gimme a P! Gimme an R! Gimme an O!

Gimme a c-r-a-s-t-i-n-a-t-i-o-n! What's that spell? PROCRASTINATION!!!!

That is the name of the game these days, folks. I haven't really focused and done any of the things I was hoping to start so far this year. I did watch all the episodes of Arrested Development, which was delightful, but I can't just do all the items in my "fun" categories and leave the other stuff untouched! (Side plug: This is one of the great TV shows of our generation... if you haven't seen it I beg of you to go forth and do so at once!)

One thing I am making progress on (6 days and counting!) is giving up icecream for one month. I am doing this for Lent. So far I have wanted icecream about 10 times, but have not given in! Not even a Frosty or a milkshake! I'm trying to decide if a fudgescicle or popsicle would be cheating. Please give me your opinion on this in the comments section! (Ugh, why did I google search my favorite kind of icecream all to get this image? Torment! The things I'll do for you, readers.)

Hopefully this weekend we will work on cleaning out the other half of the garage, which is on this list. We want to be able to get Ben's new car in there! Luckily it is a Honda Fit so it doesn't need too much room!

And one other thing that is in the works is a visit with (some) of my Kansas relatives. I am flying to Kansas City in March to meet my mom, aunts, and grandma for their annual girls weekends. Even though I won't see everyone from Wellington, I am grateful that I'll get to spend time with some of them soon!

Okay, I promise next time I'll have more to report!