Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Just a Little Longer...

So, there is one item on my list that is seriously bugging me right now... and that is growing my hair out long enough to donate to Locks of Love. I have done this twice in the past, and while I love going from long to short and back again, it is getting a little hard to handle right now!

I've always had a bit of a love-hate relationship with my own head of hair. On the one hand, it's nice and healthy and insanely thick. On the other hand it secretly wishes it was curly but it is, in fact, just kinda fluffy. Just airdrying it means I end up with a super frizzy mess with a few strands that made it all the way to wavy and the little bit by my temple that gets curly and the rest is just out of control.

So what I have is hair that, on the rare occasion I attempt it, takes probably close to an hour to blow dry and then still needs a good 20 minutes of TLC from the straightener. And if you've known me for more than one day, you know that I do not have an extra hour and a half available in my mornings. My inability to get out of bed means that I have to have wash and go hair... which means lots of ponytails and buns and braids and updos. Which is all fine and dandy except at times like now, when it has gotten really long... almost too long for one normal bun. So now I have to try and come up with these interesting ways to put it up every morning - headbands and twists and the occassional pigtail buns, which, while adorable, are borderline age inappropriate for an almost-25-year-old with a "real" job.

All this griping to say that I am not quite there... Locks of Love requires 10-inches, so I'm thinking another month and I might be there. In conclusion, I am done complaining and will take all helpful suggestions on ways I can wear my hair now or ways in which I should get it cut when the time comes!


Anonymous said...

Pantene Beautiful Lengths is a hair donation program that only requires 8" instead of the 10" required by Locks of Love.

Here's the website:


It was featured on the Oprah show. Oprah got to chop off Hillary Swank's hair - fun!

Love ya,
Laura Haske

AmyBethJames said...

Oh man, I might try that. I don't think I can take it much longer especially now that it has gotten hot! :)